Many Healings were received at the
March 20, 2015 Mass and Healing Service
at Holy Cross Church with
Father Larry Gosselin, OFM, Franciscan Friar, Old Mission Santa Barbara and
Deacon Steve Greco, President,
Founder of Spirit Filled Hearts Ministry,
assigned to Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton parish
in Irvine.

4 people were healed of high blood pressure

A young man was delivered from drug addiction

A person with a broken emotional heart was healed, and the joy of the Lord was restored in her life.

A person who was weak and discouraged has found renewed strength and hope.

If you have a testimony about your healing, please contact us at:

Praise to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit for your miraculous intervention into the lives of these people. Thank you, Lord!

How the Charismatic Experience changed people's lives in Santa Barbara in the 70's.

1968 The Holy Spirit is outpoured at University of Notre Dame College in Indiana. Fr. Edward O’Connor, CSC, prayed for people to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Instead of formal prayers, like the Divine Office, the Rosary and Stations of the Cross, students are reading from their little New Testament at prayer meetings and making spontaneous prayers as the Spirit leads them.

1969 Mike and Lucille Ryan continue to lead the St. Barbara Parish Old Mission prayer group on Monday nights. A Charismatic Retreat gives new energy to the prayer group. Father Sal, OFM, and Brother Leo, OFM, participate until they are re-assigned.

1972 Fr. Ralph Tichenor, SJ, comes to Santa Barbara for their retreat. The team gives a Life in the Spirit Seminar at the St. Barbara Parish Old Mission. At least a hundred participated. The Franciscan Sisters oversaw the food preparation, which miraculously fed everyone who came.

1972 Alix and Sydney Barnett and Eloine Sozzi start a Tuesday night prayer group at San Roque Church.

1975 Phil & Chris Luna start a Wednesday night prayer group at Our Lady of Guadalupe church.  The meeting began in a parishioner’s home and then moved to the church grounds.  The Holy Spirit used this group as an instrument to start a Spanish Speaking prayer meeting in 1977.  The leader of the Spanish prayer meeting was Lupe Mendoza.  The Spanish prayer group is still active.

In the mid-1970’s Dick and Connie Brisbane start a Monday night prayer meeting at Holy Cross church.  The leadership shifted to Kay Vogel when the Brisbane’s moved to Orcutt.  In the late 1980’s Kay passed away unexpectedly and Phil & Chris Luna took over leadership of the Holy Cross prayer group.

1981 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church begins their prayer group on Mondays. Fr. John Hampsch ,CMF, comes to Mount Carmel. The church is filled like on Christmas. From there some members start Our Lady of Sorrows Church prayer group on Mondays.

Prayer groups were also started at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church,
St. Raphael Church and Holy Cross Church. Only three remain active these days: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Holy Cross and St. Raphael

Submitted by SPK/P&C L

Do you have a testimony to share? We invite you to contact us at:



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